I am made of light. Literally.
The elements that compose the stars are the same ones that form every human body. Calcium, iron, and carbon are some of the many atomic configurations that produce 93% of our physical mass. These particles originated from a star and for us to be born, it had to die. In fact, every living creature and piece of matter around us came from the elements that once gave a star it’s glimmering light.
Griffith Park Observatory |
Think of an experience on a starry night. The awe of its beauty can feel like there is a connection that exceeds the visual parameter alone. Maybe it is not a coincidence that the sight of a sunset has the ability to put minds at ease and hearts at peace. Perhaps, the light we emit is the same light we are drawn towards within each other.
How do you shine your light in this world? For a moment, imagine you dissolve the size of your body, the shape of your eyes, the color of your skin, and identify with the light you are made of. Feel the strength of its glow. The power of its impact. Are you happy with how strong you shine or do you find yourself not yet ablaze? Only you can decided the level of illumination required to fulfill your life. Only you can change it if you want more.The choices I make affect how I present my light. I can keep it soft and dim by living with anger, frustration, or jealousy. Similar to a flickering bulb, this becomes exhausting to watch and eventually, empty of energy. If I am constantly rude or dishonest, I cannot expect kind or loyal people to surround me. I will inevitably attract the very thing that I put out. That is why I love making people smile for no reason, speak my mind in kind ways, forgive the most difficult moments, and have patience when I am being challenged. This is the light I want around me, and so, I must first be it myself.